Christchurch nz shooting video

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Appeal filedĪccording to court documents, Arps had been charged with “offensive behaviour” in 2016 and fined NZ$800 ($543) after he delivered a bloodied pig’s head to Christchurch’s Al Noor mosque, one of the two places of worship attcked in March.Īrps’ lawyer Anselm Williams argued his client should not be sent to prison. O’Driscoll added that Arps – a self-described white supremacist who argued he had a right to distribute the video under the banner of freedom to pursue his political beliefs – had described the footage as “awesome” and possessed strong and unrepentant views about the Muslim community. “Your offending glorifies and encourages the mass murder carried out under the pretext of religious and racial hatred,” District Court Judge Stephen O’Driscoll said. In addition to sharing the footage with about 30 people, Arps also possessed a doctored clip of the attacks featuring crosshairs and a “kill count”, the court heard.

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